Campers Grades 1-6

COST // $175.00 per camper.
Five fun filled days to unplug, connect, and explore! Each camper will receive a t-shirt and is covered under Camp Fire Orca liability and insurance.

ACTIVITIES // Unplug, connect, and explore! Those are the words we live by in our daily activities. Sessions ranging from crafts and drama to cookouts and shelter building keep our mornings busy. There is plenty of camper led time exploring trails, the stream, small hikes and more. We spend our afternoons doing a variety team challenges: cooperative, competitive, creative, and innovative.

  • 3rd grade and older will have the opportunity to experience archery.

CAMP BUDDY // Campers can designate one Camp Buddy. Buddies must be within one grade of each other AND designate one another to be in the same group. If buddies are in different grades, both youth will be grouped with the younger of the two campers.

MEALS // Please send a sack lunch each day to camp with your camper along with a filled, reusable water bottle. Even on cookout days we ask that a lunch is sent.


Campers grades 7-9

COST // $100.00 per camper. 

C.A.T. Program // Counselor Assistant Training (C.A.T.) is a program designed for youth entering grades 7-9 who have a desire to work with younger children and to be peer leaders for summer camp. C.A.T.s participate in leadership and skill development workshops each day, help lead all-camp activities, songs and games. C.A.T.s gain a new level of personal responsibility, self confidence, and skills for working with children. Upon completion of the week long program participants are invited to volunteer as Counselor Assistants the following summer. 

A C.A.T. is still a camper. At no time do C.A.T.s take full responsibility of another camper, C.A.T.s are still offered regular programming activities: crafts, games, nature activities, etc. and they are checked in and out of camp during the regular camper schedule. 

MEALS // Please send a sack lunch each day to camp with your camper along with a filled, reusable water bottle. Even on cookout days we ask that a lunch is sent.



LOCATION // Wildwood Park is a City of Puyallup maintained facility with 55 areas of ready to explore forest seemingly hidden in town. Camp Fire and the City of Puyallup have partnered for over 20 years making Wildwood Day Camp a long standing tradition.

THURSDAY EVENING COUNCIL FIRE // Grab a camp chair and join us Thursday evening at the park for Council Fire.  We'll hand out the weekly awards, see skits from all groups, sing a few songs, and finish with yummy s'mores!

STAFF // Our program is run primarily by community volunteers: junior high students, high school students, college students, parents, and professionals. This includes counselors, activity specialist, leadership, and first aiders. Our camper to counselor ration is 4:1. All volunteers are fully trained to Camp Fire standards and are subject to state background checks.

VOLUNTEERS // There is a need for many different skill sets at day camp! Adults can volunteer at any of our day camp sites as counselors and activity specialists. Full-time adult volunteers get a $50 discount on day camp registration for their own children. Campers of full-week adult volunteers will automatically gain entrance into the camp of their choice and will be immediately taken off the wait list. All volunteers are required to attend twelve hours of pre-camp training and are subject to state background checks.